Sunday, March 2, 2008


Finally, i am on two-day MC from today onwards... i have been thinking to take mc since 1 Jan 2008... however, the flu virus doesn't seem to like me ... or i am too strong ? .. wahaha....

Nobody would like to fall as me... i don't like it at all... all i want is to have a BREAK !! BREAK!! BREAK!! friday and saturday are not never enough for me to rest ... this week shall be a short working week to me.. cos i will be taking leave on this friday for the Malaysia's election.... as malaysian, i should exercise my vote wisely....So, vote for UMNO or opposition party?? Gonna be hot this year...

hey ..friends.. i will be going kluang this friday.. so, do call me if you are in kluang..... :) ....

haih~~ gonna do my work... no rest for me at all....


XuLiNa said...

LOL ~ next time when u want a MC just visit ur doc.. and say u got serious migraine.. btw, ii'll go back this coming friday oso.. i dont have rest either ! >.< so stress.. if u think kluang should improve MORE don't vote for U.M.M Party .. vote for the O. Party.. get it ? (>.O)

jwhx said...

do not vote for "Banyak Naik", i livein malaysia don't want anything naik harga again....

XuLiNa said...

HAHAHAHA !! yalar.. alot of things naik but not the income, Banyak Naik sure win one, vote for Dia Anak Presiden.. lar but i think no difference lar.. coz kluang ppl's attitude is different and .. it's a low living cost state.